/*---badges---*/ .badge { border-radius: 3px; font-weight: $fw-300; line-height: 1.3; font-size: 85%; &:empty { display: inline-block; vertical-align: inherit; } } .badge-pill { border-radius: 10rem; } .badge-secondary { color: $white; background-color: lighten($dark, 35%); &[href]{ @include hover-focus-state{ color: $white; background-color: lighten($dark, 45%); } } } .badge-gray { background-color: lighten($black, 50%); color: $white; &[href]{ @include hover-focus-state{ color: $white; background-color: lighten($black, 65%); } } } .badge-dark { background-color: $dark; color: $white; &[href]{ @include hover-focus-state{ color: $white; background-color: lighten($dark, 10%); } } } .badge-default { background-color: lighten($black, 90%); color: $dark; &[href]{ @include hover-focus-state{ color: $dark; background-color: lighten($black, 80%); } } } .badge-warning { color: $white; } .badge-sm { line-height: 1.2; padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 2px; font-size: 75%; } .badge-lg { line-height: 1.5; padding: 5px 7px; font-size: 95%; } .badge-xl { line-height: 1.7; padding: 7px 9px; font-size: 100%; } .badge-dot { width: 8px; height: 8px; padding: 0; border-radius: 100%; vertical-align: middle; &.badge-sm { width: 6px; height: 6px; } &.badge-lg { width: 10px; height: 10px; } &.badge-xl { width: 12px; height: 12px; } } .badge-ring { position: relative; width: 10px; height: 10px; padding: 0; border-radius: 100%; vertical-align: middle; &::after { content: ''; position: absolute; top: 2px; left: 2px; width: 6px; height: 6px; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #fff; -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); -webkit-transition: .3s; transition: .3s; } &.badge-sm { width: 8px; height: 8px; &::after { width: 4px; height: 4px; } } &.badge-lg { width: 12px; height: 12px; &::after { width: 8px; height: 8px; } } &.badge-xl { width: 14px; height: 14px; &::after { width: 10px; height: 10px; } } &.fill::after { -webkit-transform: scale(0); transform: scale(0); } } .badge-bold { text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: $fw-500; letter-spacing: 1px; } .list-group .badge-pill { margin-top: 3px; } /*---modal---*/ .modal-left { .modal-content { height: 100%; display: -webkit-box; display: flex; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; flex-direction: column; border-radius: 0; } .modal-dialog { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; width: 360px; max-width: 100%; margin: 0; -webkit-transform: translate(-100%, 0) !important; transform: translate(-100%, 0) !important; -webkit-transition: .5s; transition: .5s; } &.show{ .modal-dialog { -webkit-transform: translate(0, 0) !important; transform: translate(0, 0) !important; } } } .center-modal { -webkit-transform: scale(0); transform: scale(0); -webkit-transition: .4s; transition: .4s; &.show { -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } .modal-dialog { margin: 0; width: 100%; position: absolute; bottom: 50%; left: 50%; -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, 50%) !important; transform: translate(-50%, 50%) !important; } } .modal-fill { background: rgba($white, 0.97); -webkit-transform: scale(0, 0); transform: scale(0, 0); -webkit-transition: .4s; transition: .4s; &.show { display: -webkit-box !important; display: flex !important; -webkit-box-pack: center; justify-content: center; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; flex-flow: column nowrap; -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1); transform: scale(1, 1); -webkit-transition: .4s; transition: .4s; } .modal-dialog { display: -webkit-box; display: flex; max-width: 100%; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; -webkit-box-pack: center; justify-content: center; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; flex-flow: column nowrap; align-content: center; -webkit-box-align: center; align-items: center; } .modal-content { background: rgba($white, 0.97); width: 100%; max-width: 600px; box-shadow:none; } .modal-header{ border-bottom: none; .close{ position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; padding: 20px; font-size: $fs-36; font-weight: $fw-300; } } .modal-footer { border: none; } } .modal{ background: rgba($black, .1); &.modal-fill{ background: rgba($white, 0.97); } .panel-body { color: $dark; } } .modal-backdrop.show { opacity: 0.1; } .modal-right{ &.show{ .modal-dialog { -webkit-transform: translate(0, 0) !important; transform: translate(0, 0) !important; } } .modal-dialog { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; width: 360px; max-width: 100%; margin: 0; -webkit-transform: translate(100%, 0) !important; transform: translate(100%, 0) !important; -webkit-transition: .5s; transition: .5s; } .modal-content { height: 100%; display: -webkit-box; display: flex; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; flex-direction: column; border-radius: 0; } } .modal-content { border-radius: 0.42rem; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba($black, .125); box-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba($black, .125); border: 0; } @include screen-md{ .modal-content { -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba($black, .125); box-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba($black, .125); } } .modal-header { border-bottom-color: $light; padding: 1.5rem 1.75rem; .modal-title{ color: $gray-900; font-weight: 500; } } .modal-footer { border-top-color: $light; display: inline-block; padding: 1.5rem 1.75rem; } .modal-body{ color: $gray-800; padding: 1.5rem 1.75rem; } .model_img { cursor: pointer; } .modal-full-width { width: 95%; max-width: none; } .modal-bottom { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; -ms-flex-flow: column nowrap; flex-flow: column nowrap; -ms-flex-pack: end; -webkit-box-pack: end; justify-content: flex-end; height: 100%; margin: 0 auto; -ms-flex-line-pack: center; align-content: center; } /*---mask Formatter---*/ .sidetitle { font-style: italic; margin-left: 0.5rem; &::before { content: '\2014 \00A0'; } } .subtitle { display: block; margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 5px; color: $gray-600; } /*---flexbox---*/ .flexbox { display: -webkit-box; display: flex; -webkit-box-pack: justify; justify-content: space-between; .dropdown { i { font-size: $fs-14; } } > *{ margin-left: 4px; margin-right: 4px; &:last-child{ margin-right: 0; } &:first-child{ margin-left: 0; } } .list-inline { >li { display: block; } } .dropdown a i { font-size: $fs-14; } } .no-shrink { flex-shrink: 0; } .flex-justified > *, .flex-grow-all > *, .flex-cols-wide > *, .flex-col-wide, .flex-grow { -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex: 1 1 0%; } .list-inline>li.flexbox { display: -webkit-box; display: flex; } ul.flexbox { list-style: none; padding-left: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } /*---dropdown---*/ .dropdown-toggle{ .no-caret::after { display: none; } cursor: pointer; -webkit-transition: .2s linear; transition: .2s linear; } .dropdown-header { padding: 4px 12px; margin: 4px; } .dropdown-item { color: $gray-600; font-weight: $fw-400; padding: 10px 15px; width: auto; margin: 5px; border-radius: 5px; -webkit-transition: 0.15s linear; transition: 0.15s linear; i { margin-right: 0.5rem; } } .dropdown-menu{ color: $gray-500; border-radius: 2px; font-size: $fs-14; border-color: $light; padding: 0; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba($black, 0.06); box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba($black, 0.06); z-index: 992; } .dropdown-grid{ color: $dark; border-radius: 2px; font-size: $fs-14; border-color: $light; padding: 0; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba($black, 0.06); box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba($black, 0.06); z-index: 992; } .dropdown-item.active, .dropdown-item:active { color: $dark; background-color: $light; } .doc-dropdown{ .dropdown{ display: inline-block; } .dropup { display: inline-block; } .dropdown-menu{ -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1); transform: scale(1, 1); } .dropdown-grid { -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1); transform: scale(1, 1); } } .dropdown-menu{ color: $dark; border-radius: $default-border-radius; font-size: 13px; border-color: $light; padding: 0; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba($black, 0.06); box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba($black, 0.06); z-index: 992; } .show{ &.dropdown-grid { display: -webkit-box; display: flex; } } .dropdown-grid { display: none; flex-wrap: wrap; color: $dark; border-radius: 5px; font-size: $fs-14; padding: 0; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba($black, 0.06); box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba($black, 0.06); z-index: 992; position: absolute; top: 100%; float: left; min-width: 300px; margin: 2px 0 0; text-align: left; list-style: none; background-color: $white; -webkit-background-clip: padding-box; background-clip: padding-box; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); .dropdown-item { display: -webkit-box; display: flex; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; flex-direction: column; -webkit-box-pack: center; justify-content: center; flex-basis: 31.333333%; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; padding: 5px; margin: 1%; min-height: 90px; border: 1px solid transparent; &:hover { border-color: $light; } &.disabled{ opacity: .5; cursor: not-allowed; &:hover { background-color: transparent; } } &.active, &:active{ color: $dark; background-color: $light; } } .icon { font-size: $fs-24 !important; &:first-child { width: auto; margin-right: 0em; text-align: center; } } img.icon:first-child{ width: 50%; margin: 0 auto; } &.cols-2 { min-width: 200px; .dropdown-item { flex-basis: 48%; } } &.cols-4 { min-width: 400px; .dropdown-item { flex-basis: 23%; } } } .dropdown-item{ .icon { vertical-align: baseline; margin-right: 6px; font-size: 0.875rem; } } /*---Statistic widgets---*/ .percent { display: inline-block; line-height: 110px; z-index: 2; :after { content: '%'; margin-left: 0.1em; font-size: $fs-12; } } .countnm.per:after { content: '%'; margin-left: 0.1em; font-size: $fs-12; } .icon-box { display: inline-block; line-height: 110px; z-index: 2; font-size: $fs-36; } .easypie { position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 110px; height: 110px; text-align: center; canvas { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; } } /*---media---*/ .box .media, .box .box-body .media, .box .box-header .media, .box .box-footer .media, .card .media, .card .card-body .media, .card .card-header .media, .card .card-footer .media{ box-shadow: none; } [class*=col-]{ >.media { border-radius: $default-border-radius; } } .media { padding: 1rem; -webkit-transition: background-color .2s linear; transition: background-color .2s linear; > * { margin: 0rem 1rem; } .nav-link{ @include hover-focus-state{ background-color: transparent; } } a:not(.btn):not(.avatar) { color: $dark; } &.flex-column { >* { margin: 0; } >div { width: 100%; } } &.active { background-color: $light; } &.bordered { border: 1px solid $light; } &.items-center { -webkit-box-align: center; align-items: center; } &[data-provide~="checkable"], &[data-provide~="selectable"] { cursor: pointer; } .media { margin-top: 1.25rem; } .lead { line-height: 1.875rem; } .title { -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex: 1 1 0%; } .avatar { flex-shrink: 0; } .align-center { -ms-grid-row-align: center; align-self: center; } .media-hover-show{ opacity: 0; -webkit-transition: .3s; transition: .3s; } .dropdown { .dropdown-toggle { opacity: .7; } &:hover{ .dropdown-toggle{ opacity: 1; } } &.open{ .dropdown-toggle{ opacity: 1; } } } &:hover{ .media-hover-show { opacity: 1; } .media-block-actions { opacity: 1; } .media-action { opacity: 1; } } .custom-control { margin-right: 0; } .nav{ flex-wrap: nowrap; margin-left: -8px; margin-right: -8px; } .nav-link { line-height: 24px; font-size: 90%; padding: 0 8px; } &.media-xs { padding: 10px 6px; } &.media-sm { padding: 12px 8px; } &.media-lg { padding-top: 20px 16px; } &.media-xl { padding-top: 24px 20px; } &.media-xxl { padding-top: 32px 24px; } } .media-reverse { -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; -webkit-box-direction: reverse; flex-direction: row-reverse; } .media-center { -webkit-box-align: center; align-items: center; } .media-block-actions { display: -webkit-box; display: flex; -webkit-box-pack: justify; justify-content: space-between; -webkit-box-align: center; align-items: center; margin-top: 1rem; -webkit-transition: .5s; transition: .5s; } .media-collapsible { flex-wrap: wrap; .collapse { -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex-grow: 1; flex-shrink: 0; min-width: 100%; } } .collapse-arrow{ &::before { content: "\e64b"; font-family: themify; display: inline-block; -webkit-transition: .4s; transition: .4s; } :not(.collapsed)::before{ -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); transform: rotate(180deg); } } .media-body { min-width: 0; > * { margin-bottom: 0; } .media{ > *:first-child { margin-left: 0; } > *:last-child { margin-right: 0; } } } .media-left { padding-right: 0; } .media-right-out { padding-left: 1.25rem; a { color: $dark; font-size: $fs-18; opacity: 0.8; + a { margin-left: 0.5rem; } } } .media-action { opacity: 0; color: $dark; } .media-action-visible{ .media-action { opacity: 1; } } .media-inverse{ color: $white; h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6{ color: $white; } .small, small, time, .nav-link{ color: rgba($white, 0.7);; } .nav-link:hover { color: $white; } } .media-new { background-color: $light; } .media-list-hover .media-new:hover { background-color: $light !important; } .media-single, .media-center-v{ -webkit-box-align: center; align-items: center; } .media-vertical { -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; flex-direction: column; } .media-chat { padding-right: 64px; margin-bottom: 0; &.media-chat-reverse { padding-right: 12px; padding-left: 64px; -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; -webkit-box-direction: reverse; flex-direction: row-reverse; .media-body p { float: right; clear: right; color: $white; } } .media-body { display: table; p { position: relative; padding: 6px 8px; margin: 4px 0; background-color: $light; border-radius: 3px; &.inverse { color: $white; } &.meta { background-color: transparent !important; padding: 0; opacity: .8; time { font-weight: $fw-300; } } } } } .media-meta-day { -webkit-box-pack: justify; justify-content: space-between; -webkit-box-align: center; align-items: center; margin-bottom: 0; color: $dark; opacity: .8; font-weight: $fw-300; @include before-after-state{ content: ''; -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex: 1 1 0%; border-top: 1px solid $light; } &::before { margin-right: 16px; } &::after { margin-left: 16px; } } @include screen-sm-max { .media-doc { -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; flex-direction: column; > * { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } .media-body { margin: 30px 0; } } } .media-list{ > .media:not(.media-list-header):not(.media-list-footer), .media-list-body > .media{ margin-bottom: 0; } .media { .sortable-dot { margin: 0; margin-left: -5px; opacity: 0; border-radius: 2px; -webkit-transition: .5s; transition: .5s; } &:hover{ .sortable-dot { opacity: .6; } } } [data-provide~="selectable"] .media:not(.media-list-header):not(.media-list-footer){ cursor: pointer; } } .media-listul { padding-left: 0; } .media-list-hover{ > .media:not(.media-list-header):not(.media-list-footer):hover, .media-list-body > .media:hover{ background-color: $gray-200; a:not(.btn):not(.avatar){ color: $dark; } .divider-dash{ color: $dark; } } } .media-list-divided{ > .media:not(.media-list-header):not(.media-list-footer), .media-list-body > .media{ border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(lighten($dark, 40%), 0.07); } > .media:not(.media-list-header):not(.media-list-footer):last-child, .media-list-body > .media:last-child{ border-bottom: none; } } .media-list-bordered { border: 1px solid $light; } .media-list-striped{ .media:not(.media-list-header):not(.media-list-footer):nth-child(even) { background-color: $light; } } .media-list-xs .media { padding: 10px 16px; } .media-list-sm .media { padding: 12px 16px; } .media-list-lg .media { padding: 20px 16px; } .media-list-xl .media { padding: 24px 20px; } .media-list-xxl .media { padding: 32px 24px; } .media-list-header { border-bottom: 1px solid $light; background-color: darken($light, 20%); } .media-list-footer { border-top: 1px solid $light; background-color: darken($light, 20%); } .media-grid { display: -webkit-box; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; margin-right: -15px; &::after { content: ''; -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex: auto; } &.row { margin-left: -15px; margin-right: -15px; .media { margin-bottom: 15px; } } > .media { margin-right: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px; width: 200px; } } .media-grid-bordered .media { border: 1px solid darken($light, 20%); } .media-grid-hover .media:hover { background-color: $light; } /*---blog and other widgets ---*/ [class*="img-hov-"] { overflow: hidden; img { -webkit-transition: .45s; transition: .45s; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; } } .img-hov-fadein { -webkit-transition: .45s; transition: .45s; &:hover { opacity: .7; } } .img-hov-fadeout { opacity: .7; -webkit-transition: .45s; transition: .45s; &:hover { opacity: 1; } } .img-hov-zoomin img{ &:hover { -webkit-transform: scale(1.045); transform: scale(1.045); } } .img-hov-zoomout{ img { -webkit-transform: scale(1.045); transform: scale(1.045); &:hover { -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } } } .img-hov-stretchin{ img{ -webkit-transform-origin: left top 0; transform-origin: left top 0; &:hover { -webkit-transform: scale(1.045); transform: scale(1.045); } } } .img-hov-stretchout{ img { -webkit-transform-origin: left top 0; transform-origin: left top 0; -webkit-transform: scale(1.045); transform: scale(1.045); &:hover { -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } } } .img-hov-slideleft{ img { -webkit-transform-origin: left center 0; transform-origin: left center 0; -webkit-transform: scale(1.045) translateX(0); transform: scale(1.045) translateX(0); &:hover { -webkit-transform: scale(1.045) translateX(-4.5%); transform: scale(1.045) translateX(-4.5%); } } } .img-hov-slideright { img { -webkit-transform-origin: right center 0; transform-origin: right center 0; -webkit-transform: scale(1.045) translateX(0); transform: scale(1.045) translateX(0); &:hover { -webkit-transform: scale(1.045) translateX(4.5%); transform: scale(1.045) translateX(4.5%); } } } .img-hov-slideup { img { -webkit-transform-origin: center top 0; transform-origin: center top 0; -webkit-transform: scale(1.045) translateY(0); transform: scale(1.045) translateY(0); &:hover { -webkit-transform: scale(1.045) translateY(-4.5%); transform: scale(1.045) translateY(-4.5%); } } } .img-hov-slidedown { img { -webkit-transform-origin: center bottom 0; transform-origin: center bottom 0; -webkit-transform: scale(1.045) translateY(0); transform: scale(1.045) translateY(0); &:hover { -webkit-transform: scale(1.045) translateY(4.5%); transform: scale(1.045) translateY(4.5%); } } } .img-hov-rotateleft{ img { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(0) scale(1); transform: rotateZ(0) scale(1); &:hover { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-5deg) scale(1.1); transform: rotateZ(-5deg) scale(1.1); } } } .img-hov-rotateright{ img { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(0) scale(1); transform: rotateZ(0) scale(1); &:hover { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(5deg) scale(1.1); transform: rotateZ(5deg) scale(1.1); } } } .gap-items{ > *{ margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 8px; &:first-child{ margin-left: 0; } &:last-child{ margin-right: 0; } } } .gap-items-1{ > * { margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; &:first-child { margin-left: 0; } &:last-child { margin-right: 0; } } } .gap-items-2{ > * { margin-left: 4px; margin-right: 4px; &:first-child { margin-left: 0; } &:last-child { margin-right: 0; } } } .gap-items-3{ > *{ margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 8px; &:first-child{ margin-left: 0; } &:last-child{ margin-right: 0; } } } .gap-items-4{ > * { margin-left: 12px; margin-right: 12px; &:first-child { margin-left: 0; } &:last-child { margin-right: 0; } } } .gap-items-5{ > * { margin-left: 16px; margin-right: 16px; &:first-child { margin-left: 0; } &:last-child { margin-right: 0; } } } .gap-multiline-items{ margin: -8px; > *{ margin: 8px; } } .gap-multiline-items-1{ margin: -2px; > *{ margin: 2px; } } .gap-multiline-items-2{ margin: -4px; > *{ margin: 4px; } } .gap-multiline-items-3{ margin: -8px; > *{ margin: 8px; } } .gap-multiline-items-4{ margin: -12px; > *{ margin: 12px; } } .gap-multiline-items-5{ margin: -16px; > *{ margin: 16px; } } .gap-y{ &.gap-items{ margin: -8px; > * { margin: 8px; } } &.gap-items-1{ margin: -2px; > * { margin: 2px; } } &.gap-items-2{ margin: -4px; > * { margin: 4px; } } &.gap-items-3{ margin: -8px; > * { margin: 8px; } } &.gap-items-4{ margin: -12px; > * { margin: 12px; } } &.gap-items-5{ margin: -16px; > * { margin: 16px; } } } /*---background and overlay ---*/ .bg-img { position: relative; -webkit-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; z-index: 0; } .box{ &.bg-img, .bg-img{ border-radius: $default-border-radius; } } [data-overlay]{ position: relative; &::before{ position: absolute; content: ''; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background: $black; z-index: -1; border-radius: inherit; display: block; } } [data-overlay-light]{ position: relative; &::before{ position: absolute; content: ''; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background: $white; z-index: -1; border-radius: inherit; display: block; } } [data-overlay="1"]::before { opacity: 0.1; } [data-overlay="2"]::before { opacity: 0.2; } [data-overlay="3"]::before { opacity: 0.3; } [data-overlay="4"]::before { opacity: 0.4; } [data-overlay="5"]::before { opacity: 0.5; } [data-overlay="6"]::before { opacity: 0.6; } [data-overlay="7"]::before { opacity: 0.7; } [data-overlay="8"]::before { opacity: 0.8; } [data-overlay="9"]::before { opacity: 0.9; } [data-overlay-light="1"]::before { opacity: 0.1; } [data-overlay-light="2"]::before { opacity: 0.2; } [data-overlay-light="3"]::before { opacity: 0.3; } [data-overlay-light="4"]::before { opacity: 0.4; } [data-overlay-light="5"]::before { opacity: 0.5; } [data-overlay-light="6"]::before { opacity: 0.6; } [data-overlay-light="7"]::before { opacity: 0.7; } [data-overlay-light="8"]::before { opacity: 0.8; } [data-overlay-light="9"]::before { opacity: 0.9; } [data-scrim-top]{ position: relative; &::before { position: absolute; content: ''; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 20%; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from($black), to(transparent)); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, $black 0%, transparent 100%); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, $black 0%, transparent 100%); z-index: -1; border-radius: inherit; } } [data-scrim-bottom] { position: relative; &::before { position: absolute; content: ''; top: 20%; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0%; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from($black), to(transparent)); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, $black 0%, transparent 100%); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, $black 0%, transparent 100%); z-index: -1; border-radius: inherit; } } [data-scrim-top="1"]::before, [data-scrim-bottom="1"]::before { opacity: 0.1; } [data-scrim-top="2"]::before, [data-scrim-bottom="2"]::before { opacity: 0.2; } [data-scrim-top="3"]::before, [data-scrim-bottom="3"]::before { opacity: 0.3; } [data-scrim-top="4"]::before, [data-scrim-bottom="4"]::before { opacity: 0.4; } [data-scrim-top="5"]::before, [data-scrim-bottom="5"]::before { opacity: 0.5; } [data-scrim-top="6"]::before, [data-scrim-bottom="6"]::before { opacity: 0.6; } [data-scrim-top="7"]::before, [data-scrim-bottom="7"]::before { opacity: 0.7; } [data-scrim-top="8"]::before, [data-scrim-bottom="8"]::before { opacity: 0.8; } [data-scrim-top="9"]::before, [data-scrim-bottom="9"]::before { opacity: 0.9; } /*---blockquote ---*/ .blockquote { font-style: italic; margin-left: 2rem; margin-right: 2rem; margin-top: 1rem; color: $dark; padding: .5rem 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; font-size: 1.25rem; border-left: .25rem solid $light; p { font-size: 1.125rem; line-height: 1.875rem; } a { color: $dark; } footer { color: lighten($dark, 30%); font-size: 0.875rem; &::before { content: '\2014 \00A0'; } } } .blockquote-inverse{ color: rgba($white, 1) !important; footer{ color: rgba($white, 1) !important; } } .blockquote-reverse { padding-right: 1rem; padding-left: 0; text-align: right; border-right: .25rem solid $light; border-left: 0; } /*---nav-dot ---*/ .nav-dot-separated{ .nav-item::after, >.nav-link::after{ content: '/'; vertical-align: middle; color: $dark; opacity: 0.4; cursor: default; } .nav-link{ @include hover-full-state{ background-color: transparent; } } .nav-item, > .nav-link{ display: -webkit-inline-box; display: inline-flex; -webkit-box-align: center; align-items: center; } .nav-item:last-child::after, > .nav-link:last-child::after{ display: none; } } .nav.g-0{ > .nav-link:first-child, .nav-item:first-child .nav-link { padding-left: 0; } } /*---rating ---*/ .rating { display: -webkit-inline-box; display: inline-flex; -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; -webkit-box-direction: reverse; flex-direction: row-reverse; list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; input { display: none; } label { color: $light; cursor: pointer; &::before { margin-right: 5px; font-size: 20px; display: inline-block; } } } .rating-static { -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; -webkit-box-direction: normal; flex-direction: row; label { cursor: default; &:not(.active) { color: $light !important; } } } .rating-xs{ label::before { margin-right: 1px; font-size: $fs-14; } } .rating-sm{ label::before { margin-right: 2px; font-size: $fs-16; } } .rating-lg{ label::before { font-size: $fs-24; } } .rating-remove { margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; cursor: pointer; line-height: 20px; opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; -webkit-transition: .2s linear; transition: .2s linear; } [data-has-rate="true"]:hover{ .rating-remove{ opacity: .6; visibility: visible; &:hover { opacity: 1; } } } .rating-secondary{ .active, :checked ~ label, label:hover, label:hover ~ label{ color: lighten($dark, 35%); } } .rating-gray{ .active, :checked ~ label, label:hover, label:hover ~ label{ color: lighten($black, 50%); } } .rating-dark{ .active, :checked ~ label, label:hover, label:hover ~ label{ color: $dark; } } /*---toggler ---*/ .toggler { color: $light; cursor: pointer; font-size: $fs-20; margin-bottom: 0; line-height: 1.2; i { -webkit-transition: color .2s linear; transition: color .2s linear; } input { display: none; &:checked + i { color: $warning; } } } .toggler-gray input:checked + i { color: lighten($black, 50%); } .toggler-dark input:checked + i { color: $dark; } .toggler-secondary input:checked + i { color: lighten($dark, 35%); } /*---box nav-tab---*/ .nav-tabs{ .nav-link { margin-bottom: -1px; background: 0 0; border: 1px solid transparent; border-top-left-radius: .25rem; border-top-right-radius: .25rem; position: relative; padding: 0.5rem 1.25rem; -webkit-transition: 0.5s; transition: 0.5s; color: $gray-800; background-color: transparent !important; } } .email-menu-list{ .nav-link, a { color: $gray-600; font-size: 13px; } } @include screen-sm-max { .nav-tabs .nav-link { padding: 8px 12px; } } .nav-tabs{ &.nav-tabs-secondary{ .nav-link{ @include hover-active-state{ border-color: lighten($dark, 35%); background-color: transparent; color: $dark; } &.active{ @include hover-focus-state{ border-color: lighten($dark, 35%); background-color: transparent; color: $dark; } } } } &.nav-tabs-gray{ .nav-link{ @include hover-active-state{ border-color: lighten($black, 50%); background-color: transparent; color: $black; } &.active{ @include hover-focus-state{ border-color: lighten($black, 50%); background-color: transparent; color: $black; } } } } &.nav-tabs-dark{ .nav-link{ @include hover-active-state{ border-color: $dark; background-color: transparent; color: $dark; } &.active{ @include hover-focus-state{ border-color: $dark; background-color: transparent; color: $dark; } } } } } .nav-tabs-light-mode{ background-color: $light; .nav-link { border-bottom: none; } } .nav-tabs-inverse-mode{ border-bottom: none; background-color: transparent; margin-bottom: 0; .nav-link { border: none; &.active{ background-color: $light; color: $dark; @include hover-focus-state{ background-color: $light; color: $dark; } } } + .tab-content { background-color: $light; padding: 20px 16px; } } .nav-tabs-left{ display: -webkit-box; display: flex; .nav-tabs { -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; flex-direction: column; border-bottom: 0; border-right: 1px solid $light; .nav-item + .nav-item{ margin-left: 0; } .nav-link { border-bottom: none; text-align: left; border-right: 2px solid transparent; } } .tab-content { overflow: hidden; padding-left: 20px; } } .nav-tabs-right{ display: -webkit-box; display: flex; .nav-tabs { -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; flex-direction: column; border-bottom: 0; -webkit-box-ordinal-group: 3; order: 2; border-left: 1px solid $light; .nav-item + .nav-item{ margin-left: 0; } .nav-link { border-bottom: none; text-align: left; border-left: 2px solid transparent; } } .tab-content { overflow: hidden; -webkit-box-ordinal-group: 2; order: 1; padding-right: 20px; } } .nav-tabs{ &.nav-bordered { border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(152, 166, 173, 0.2); .nav-item { margin-bottom: -1px; } li { a { border: 0; padding: 0.625rem 1.25rem; &.active { border-bottom: 2px solid $primary; background-color: transparent; color: $dark; } } } } } .app-search { .form-control { border: none; height: calc(1.5em + 0.9rem + 2px); padding-left: 40px; padding-right: 20px; background-color: $light; -webkit-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; } span.search-icon { position: absolute; z-index: 9; font-size: 20px; line-height: 38px; left: 10px; top: 0; } .input-group-text { margin-left: 0; z-index: 4; } } /*---lookup---*/ .lookup { position: relative; display: -webkit-block; display: block; -webkit-box-align: center; align-items: center; &::before { content: "\e610"; font-family: themify; font-size: 1rem; position: absolute; top: 52%; left: 0; -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%); transform: translateY(-50%); color: rgba($black, 0.4); width: 36px; text-align: center; cursor: text; } input { color: $dark; border: 1px solid $light; border-radius: 18px; height: 25px; width: 200px; max-width: 100%; padding-left: 36px !important; padding-right: 18px; font-size: 1rem; font-weight: 300; letter-spacing: .5px; outline: none !important; -webkit-transition: .5s; transition: .5s; @include placeholder{ color: rgba($dark, 0.7); } &:focus { background-color: rgba($dark, 0.04); } + input{ border-left: none; } + .bootstrap-select{ .dropdown-toggle { border-left: none; } } } .bootstrap-select{ + .bootstrap-select{ .dropdown-toggle{ border-left: none; } } } .btn { height: 36px; line-height: 36px; } &.no-icon{ &::before { display: none; } input { padding-left: 18px; } } } .lookup-sm{ &::before { font-size: $fs-14; width: 29px; } input { border-radius: 14.5px; height: 29px; padding-left: 29px; padding-right: 14.5px; font-size: $fs-14; width: 160px; } .btn { height: 29px; line-height: 29px; } } .lookup-lg{ &::before { font-size: $fs-20; width: 48px; } input { border-radius: 24px; height: 48px; padding-left: 48px; padding-right: 24px; font-size: $fs-16; width: 250px; } .btn { height: 48px; line-height: 48px; } } .lookup-right{ &::before { left: auto; right: 0; } input { padding-left: 18px; padding-right: 36px; } &.lookup-sm{ input { padding-left: 14.5px; padding-right: 29px; } } &.lookup-lg{ input { padding-left: 24px; padding-right: 48px; } } &.no-icon{ input { padding-right: 18px; } &.lookup-sm{ input { padding-right: 14.5px; } } &.lookup-sm{ input { padding-right: 24px; } } } } .lookup-circle { z-index: 0; &::before { z-index: -1; } input { background-color: rgba($dark, 0.04); border: none; width: 36px; padding-right: 0; &:focus { background-color: rgba($dark, 0.05); width: 170px; padding-right: 18px; } } &.lookup-sm{ &::before { font-size: $fs-14; width: 29px; } input { border-radius: 14.5px; height: 29px; width: 29px; padding-left: 29px; &:focus { width: 150px; padding-right: 14.5px; } } } &.lookup-lg{ &::before { font-size: $fs-16; width: 48px; } input { border-radius: 24px; height: 48px; width: 48px; padding-left: 48px; &:focus { width: 200px; padding-right: 24px; } } } &.lookup-right{ &::before { left: auto; right: 0; } input { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 36px; &:focus { padding-left: 18px; } } &.lookup-sm{ input { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 29px; &:focus { padding-left: 14.5px; } } } &.lookup-lg{ input { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 48px; &:focus { padding-left: 24px; } } } } } .lookup-huge{ display: -webkit-box; display: flex; &::before { font-size: $fs-24; width: 64px; } input { border-radius: 32px; height: 64px; padding-left: 64px; padding-right: 32px; font-size: $fs-20; font-weight: $fw-100; width: 100%; @include placeholder{ color: lighten($black, 80%); } } .btn, .bootstrap-select.btn-group > .dropdown-toggle{ height: 64px; line-height: 100%; } &.no-icon{ input { padding-left: 32px; } } } .lookup-fullscreen { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background-color: rgba($white, 0.985); z-index: 1050; padding: 50px 5%; display: none; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; flex-direction: column; &.reveal { display: -webkit-box; display: flex; } > .close { position: absolute; top: 32px; right: 32px; } .lookup-form { border-bottom: 1px solid lighten($black, 85%); margin-bottom: 2rem; input { border: none; font-size: 44px; background-color: transparent; outline: none !important; padding: 25px 0; color: $dark; width: 100%; @include placeholder{ color: lighten($black, 80%); } } } .lookup-results{ height: 100%; .ps-scrollbar-x-rail { display: none; } } } @include screen-sm-max { .lookup-fullscreen .lookup-results.scrollable .row{ margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; [class*="col-"]{ padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0 } } } /*---publisher---*/ .publisher { position: relative; display: -webkit-box; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; align-items: center; padding: 12px 20px; > * { margin: 0 8px; &:first-child { margin-left: 0; } &:last-child { margin-right: 0; } } } .publisher-multi{ -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; flex-direction: column; -webkit-box-align: start; align-items: flex-start; border-radius: $default-border-radius; > * { margin: 0; -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex-grow: 1; width: 100%; } .publisher-input { margin-bottom: 1rem; } } .publisher-input{ -webkit-box-flex: 1; flex-grow: 1; border: none; outline: none !important; background-color: transparent; } .publisher-btn { background-color: transparent; border: none; color: lighten($dark, 40%); font-size: $fs-16; cursor: pointer; overflow: -moz-hidden-unscrollable; -webkit-transition: .2s linear; transition: .2s linear; &:hover { color: #616a78; } } .publisher-avatar { position: absolute; width: auto; left: -18px; top: 8px; &.avatar-sm { left: -14.5px; top: auto; } } /*---price---*/ .price { font-weight: bold; font-size: $fs-76; line-height: normal; padding: 10px 0; sup { font-size: $fs-26; vertical-align: super; } span { display: block; font-size: $fs-12; font-weight: 400; line-height: 25px; } } .price-dollar { display: inline-block; font-size: $fs-16; vertical-align: top; margin-right: -10px; margin-top: 14px; } .price-interval { display: inline-block; font-size: $fs-12; vertical-align: text-bottom; margin-left: -10px; margin-bottom: 14px; color: lighten($dark, 20%); } /*---todo-list---*/ .todo-list { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; overflow: auto; >li { border-radius: 2px; padding: 1.5rem 2.2rem; margin-bottom: 2px; color: $dark; &:last-of-type{ margin-bottom: 0; } >input[type=checkbox] { margin: 0 10px 0 5px; } .text { display: inline-block; margin-left: 30px; font-weight: $fw-600; } .label { margin-left: 10px; font-size: fs-10; } .tools { display: none; float: right; color: $danger; >i{ margin-right: 5px; cursor: pointer; } } &:hover{ .tools { display: inline-block; } } &.done { color: lighten($black, 45%); .text { text-decoration: line-through; font-weight: $fw-500; } .text-line{ text-decoration: line-through; font-weight: $fw-500; } label { background: transparent; } } } .done{ .text-line{ text-decoration: line-through; font-weight: $fw-500; } } .handle{ display: inline-block; cursor: move; margin: 0 5px; } .handle2 { border-left: 3px dotted lighten($black, 70%); border-right: 3px dotted lighten($black, 70%); height: 100%; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 10px; margin: 0; } } .control{ margin-bottom: 0; display: inline; padding-left: 0; padding-top: 0; cursor: pointer; font-size: $fs-16; input { position: absolute; z-index: -1; opacity: 0; &:focus~.control_indicator{ background-color: $white; } &:disabled~.control_indicator { background: lighten($black, 80%); opacity: .6; pointer-events: none; } &:checked~.control_indicator:after { display: block; } } &:hover input~.control_indicator{ background-color: $white; } } .control_indicator { position: absolute; top: 2px; left: 5px; height: 15px; width: 15px; background-color: $white; &:after { box-sizing: unset; content: ''; position: absolute; display: none; } } .control-radio{ .control_indicator { border-radius: undefined; } } .control-checkbox{ .control_indicator:after { left: 5px; top: 1px; width: 3px; height: 8px; border: solid $white; border-width: 0 2px 2px 0; transform: rotate(45deg); } input:disabled~.control_indicator:after { border-color: lighten($black, 45%); } } .label { display: inline; padding: .2em .6em .3em; font-size: 75%; line-height: 1; color: $white; text-align: center; white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: baseline; border-radius: .25em; } td .label { font-size: 100%; } .badge{ font-weight: normal; } .list-inline>li { display: inline-block; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } /*---chat---*/ .chat { padding: 5px 20px 5px 10px; .item { margin-bottom: 10px; @include before-after-state{ content: " "; display: table; } >img { width: 40px; height: 40px; border: 2px solid transparent; border-radius: 5px; } >.online { border: 2px solid $success; } >.offline { border: 2px solid $danger; } >.message { margin-left: 55px; margin-top: -40px; color: lighten($black, 45%); >.name { display: block; font-weight: $fw-600; } } >.attachment { border-radius: $default-border-radius; background-color: $light; margin-left: 65px; margin-right: 15px; padding: 10px; .pull-right .btn { top: 10px; position: relative; border-radius: $default-border-radius; } >h4 { margin: 0 0 5px; font-weight: $fw-600; font-size: $fs-14; } >.filename, >p { font-weight: $fw-600; font-size: $fs-14; font-style: italic; margin: 0; } @include before-after-state{ content: " "; display: table; } } } } /*---timeline---*/ .timeline { width: 100%; position: relative; padding: 1px 0; list-style: none; font-weight: $fw-400; .timeline-item { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 30px; &.timeline-item-right{ padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 0; } &:nth-of-type(even):not(.timeline-item-left){ padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 0; } .timeline-event { width: 100%; } } &:before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; width: 50%; height: 100% !important; margin-left: 1px; border-right-width: 2px; border-right-style: solid; border-right-color: lighten($black, 55%); background: transparent; } &:after { clear: both; } @include before-after-state{ content: " "; display: block; } &.timeline-single-column{ &.timeline { width: 100%; max-width: 768px; .timeline-item { padding-left: 72px; padding-right: 0; &.timeline-item-right{ padding-left: 72px; padding-right: 0; } &:nth-of-type(even):not(.timeline-item-left){ padding-left: 72px; padding-right: 0; } .timeline-event { width: 100%; } >.timeline-event { float: right !important; @include before-after-state{ right: auto !important; border-left-width: 0 !important; } &:before { left: -15px !important; border-right-width: 15px !important; } &:after { left: -14px !important; border-right-width: 14px !important; } } width: 100%; margin-bottom: 20px; &:nth-of-type(even) { margin-top: 0; } > .timeline-point { transform: translateX(-50%); left: 42px !important; margin-left: 0; } } &:before { left: 42px; width: 0; margin-left: -1px; } .timeline-label { transform: translateX(-50%); margin: 0 0 20px 42px; + .timeline-item + .timeline-item { margin-top: 0; } } } } &.timeline-single-full-column{ &.timeline { width: 100%; max-width: 100%; } } &.timeline-line-solid:before { border-right-style: solid; } &.timeline-line-dotted:before { border-right-style: dotted; } &.timeline-line-dashed:before { border-right-style: dashed; } .timeline-item { position: relative; float: left; clear: left; width: 50%; margin-bottom: 20px; @include before-after-state{ content: ""; display: table; } &:after { clear: both; } &:last-child { margin-bottom: 0 !important; } &.timeline-item-right{ > .timeline-event{ float: right !important; @include before-after-state{ right: auto !important; border-left-width: 0 !important; } &:before { left: -15px !important; border-right-width: 15px !important; } &:after { left: -14px !important; border-right-width: 14px !important; } } } &:nth-of-type(even):not(.timeline-item-left) > .timeline-event { float: right !important; @include before-after-state{ right: auto !important; border-left-width: 0 !important; } &:before { left: -15px !important; border-right-width: 15px !important; } &:after { left: -14px !important; border-right-width: 14px !important; } } > .timeline-event{ background: $gray-100; border: 1px solid $gray-100; color: $gray-500; position: relative; float: left; border-radius: 5px; &:after{ top: 11px; right: -14px; border-top: 14px solid transparent; border-left-width: 14px; border-left-style: solid; border-right-width: 0; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom: 14px solid transparent; border-left-color: $gray-100; border-right-color: $gray-100; } &:before { top: 10px; right: -15px; border-top: 15px solid transparent; border-left-width: 15px; border-left-style: solid; border-right-width: 0; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom: 15px solid transparent; border-left-color: $gray-100; border-right-color: $gray-100; } &.timeline-event-default { background: $gray-200; border: 1px solid $gray-200; color: $dark; &:before { border-left-color: $gray-200; border-right-color: $gray-200; } &:after { border-left-color: $gray-200; border-right-color: $gray-200; } * { color: inherit; } } @include before-after-state{ content: ""; display: inline-block; position: absolute; } .timeline-heading { padding: 0.75rem 1.25rem; .timeline-title { margin-bottom: 0; } } .timeline-body { padding: 0.25rem 1.25rem; } .timeline-footer { padding: 0.75rem 1.25rem; a { cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; } } .timeline-title{ color: $gray-800; } .timeline-heading p, .timeline-body p, .timeline-footer p, .timeline-heading ul, .timeline-body ul, .timeline-footer ul{ margin-bottom: 0; } .panel, .table, .blankslate{ margin: 0; border: none; border-radius: inherit; overflow: hidden; background-color: $gray-100; } .table th { border-top: 0; } } > .timeline-point { top: 25px; color: lighten($black, 55%); background: $white; right: -24px; width: 24px; height: 24px; margin-top: -12px; margin-left: 12px; margin-right: 12px; position: absolute; z-index: 100; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-radius: 100%; line-height: 24px; text-align: center; &.timeline-point-blank { right: -12px; width: 12px; height: 12px; margin-top: -6px; margin-left: 6px; margin-right: 6px; color: lighten($black, 55%); background: lighten($black, 55%); } &.timeline-point-default { color: lighten($black, 55%); background: $white; } } &:nth-of-type(2) { margin-top: 40px; } &.timeline-item-left{ clear: both !important; } &.timeline-item-right{ clear: both !important; float: right; > .timeline-point{ left: -24px; &.timeline-point-blank{ left: -12px; } } } &:nth-of-type(even):not(.timeline-item-left){ float: right; clear: right; > .timeline-point{ left: -24px; &.timeline-point-blank{ left: -12px; } } } &.timeline-item-arrow-sm{ &.timeline-item-right{ > .timeline-event{ float: right !important; @include before-after-state{ right: auto !important; border-left-width: 0 !important; } &:before { left: -10px !important; border-right-width: 10px !important; } &:after { left: -9px !important; border-right-width: 9px !important; } } } &:nth-of-type(even):not(.timeline-item-left){ > .timeline-event { float: right !important; @include before-after-state{ right: auto !important; border-left-width: 0 !important; } &:before { left: -10px !important; border-right-width: 10px !important; } &:after { left: -9px !important; border-right-width: 9px !important; } } } > .timeline-event{ &:before { top: 4px; right: -10px; border-top: 10px solid transparent; border-left-width: 10px; border-left-style: solid; border-right-width: 0; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom: 10px solid transparent; } &:after { top: 5px; right: -9px; border-top: 9px solid transparent; border-left-width: 9px; border-left-style: solid; border-right-width: 0; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom: 9px solid transparent; } } > .timeline-point { top: 14px; } } &.timeline-item-arrow-md{ &.timeline-item-right{ > .timeline-event{ float: right !important; @include before-after-state{ right: auto !important; border-left-width: 0 !important; } &:before { left: -15px !important; border-right-width: 15px !important; } &:after { left: -14px !important; border-right-width: 14px !important; } } } &:nth-of-type(even):not(.timeline-item-left){ > .timeline-event { float: right !important; @include before-after-state{ right: auto !important; border-left-width: 0 !important; } &:before { left: -15px !important; border-right-width: 15px !important; } &:after { left: -14px !important; border-right-width: 14px !important; } } } > .timeline-event{ &:before { top: 10px; right: -15px; border-top: 15px solid transparent; border-left-width: 15px; border-left-style: solid; border-right-width: 0; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom: 15px solid transparent; } :after { top: 11px; right: -14px; border-top: 14px solid transparent; border-left-width: 14px; border-left-style: solid; border-right-width: 0; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom: 14px solid transparent; } } > .timeline-point { top: 25px; } } &.timeline-item-arrow-lg{ &.timeline-item-right{ > .timeline-event{ float: right !important; @include before-after-state{ right: auto !important; border-left-width: 0 !important; } &:before { left: -18px !important; border-right-width: 18px !important; } &:after { left: -17px !important; border-right-width: 17px !important; } } } &:nth-of-type(even):not(.timeline-item-left){ > .timeline-event { float: right !important; @include before-after-state{ right: auto !important; border-left-width: 0 !important; } &:before { left: -18px !important; border-right-width: 18px !important; } &:after { left: -17px !important; border-right-width: 17px !important; } } } > .timeline-event{ &:before { top: 10px; right: -18px; border-top: 18px solid transparent; border-left-width: 18px; border-left-style: solid; border-right-width: 0; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom: 18px solid transparent; } :after { top: 11px; right: -17px; border-top: 17px solid transparent; border-left-width: 17px; border-left-style: solid; border-right-width: 0; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom: 17px solid transparent; } } > .timeline-point { top: 28px; } } } .timeline-label { position: relative; float: left; clear: left; margin-bottom: 20px; top: 1px; width: 100%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 0; text-align: center; @include before-after-state{ content: ""; display: table; } &:after { clear: both; } &:last-child { margin-bottom: 0 !important; } + .timeline-item { margin-top: 0; + .timeline-item { margin-top: 40px; } } .label-default { background-color: lighten($black, 55%); } } } .timeline-single-column{ &.timeline{ .timeline-item{ > .timeline-event { float: right !important; @include before-after-state{ right: auto !important; border-left-width: 0 !important; } &:before { left: -15px !important; border-right-width: 15px !important; } &:after { left: -14px !important; border-right-width: 14px !important; } } &.timeline-item-arrow-sm{ >.timeline-event { float: right !important; @include before-after-state{ right: auto !important; border-left-width: 0 !important; } &:before { left: -10px !important; border-right-width: 10px !important; } &:after { left: -9px !important; border-right-width: 9px !important; } } } &.timeline-item-arrow-md{ >.timeline-event { float: right !important; @include before-after-state{ right: auto !important; border-left-width: 0 !important; } &:before { left: -15px !important; border-right-width: 15px !important; } &:after { left: -14px !important; border-right-width: 14px !important; } } } &.timeline-item-arrow-lg{ >.timeline-event { float: right !important; @include before-after-state{ right: auto !important; border-left-width: 0 !important; } &:before { left: -18px !important; border-right-width: 18px !important; } &:after { left: -17px !important; border-right-width: 17px !important; } } } } } } @include screen-sm-max { .timeline{ &.timeline { width: 100%; max-width: 100%; .timeline-item { padding-left: 72px; padding-right: 0; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 20px; &.timeline-item-right, &:nth-of-type(even):not(.timeline-item-left){ padding-left: 72px; padding-right: 0; } .timeline-event { width: 100%; } > .timeline-event { float: right !important; @include before-after-state{ right: auto !important; border-left-width: 0 !important; } &:before { left: -15px !important; border-right-width: 15px !important; } &:after { left: -14px !important; border-right-width: 14px !important; } } &:nth-of-type(even) { margin-top: 0; } > .timeline-point { transform: translateX(-50%); left: 42px !important; margin-left: 0; } } &:before { left: 42px; width: 0; margin-left: -1px; } .timeline-label { transform: translateX(-50%); margin: 0 0 20px 42px; + .timeline-item + .timeline-item { margin-top: 0; } } } } } /* Animation Delay */ .d01{ animation-delay:0.1s; -moz-animation-delay:0.1s; -webkit-animation-delay:0.1s; } .d02{ animation-delay:0.2s; -moz-animation-delay:0.2s; -webkit-animation-delay:0.2s; } .d03{ animation-delay:0.3s; -moz-animation-delay:0.3s; 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height: 0; } .timeline-badge { color: $white; width: 25px; height: 25px; font-size: 1.2em; text-align: center; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 50%; margin-left: -13px; background-color: $white; z-index: 6; border-radius: 50%; border: 2px solid $primary; span{ &.timeline-balloon-date-day { font-size: 1.4em; } &.timeline-balloon-date-month { font-size: .7em; position: relative; top: -10px; } } .timeline-filter-movement { background-color: $white; font-size: 1.7em; height: 35px; margin-left: -18px; width: 35px; top: 40px; a span { color: $primary; font-size: 1.3em; top: -1px; } } .timeline-future-movement { background-color: $white; height: 120px; width: 120px; font-size: 1.7em; top: -16px; margin-left: -60px; border: 2px solid $primary; a span { color: $primary; font-size: .9em; top: 0; left: 1px; } p { color:$primary; position: absolute; top: 40px; left: 32px; } } } .timeline-movement { position: relative; margin-bottom: 10rem; &.timeline-movement-top { height: 60px; } .timeline-item{ .timeline-panel { border: 1px solid lighten($black, 70%); border-radius: $default-border-radius; background-color: $white; color: lighten($black, 40%); padding: 10px; position: relative; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 6px rgba($black, 0.175); box-shadow: 0 1px 6px rgba($black, 0.175); .timeline-panel-ul { list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; } &.credits{ .timeline-panel-ul{ .lefting-wrap { float: right; width: 30%; height: 130px; background-color: $light; } .righting-wrap { float: left; width: 70%; height: 130px; padding: 0 12px 0 0; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; } li { color: lighten($black, 40%); width: 100%; &.img-wraping { a img{ width: 100%; height: 130px; } } a.importo { font-size: 1.3em; font-weight: 600; } } } } &.debits{ .timeline-panel-ul{ text-align: left; .lefting-wrap { float: left; width: 30%; height: 130px; background-color: $light; } .righting-wrap { float: right; width: 70%; height: 130px; padding: 0 0 0 12px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; } li{ color: lighten($black, 40%); width: 100%; &.img-wraping { width: 100%; a img{ width: 100%; height: 130px; } } a.importo { font-size: 1.3em; font-weight: 600; } } } } } } } } .clear { clear:both; } /*timeline5*/ .timeline5{ position: relative; padding-top: 3rem; padding-bottom: 3rem; &:before{ content: ""; width: 4px; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; } } .timeline__group{ position: relative; &:not(:first-of-type){ margin-top: 4rem; } } .timeline__year{ padding: .5rem 1.5rem; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; border-radius: 5px; } .timeline__box{ position: relative; &:not(:last-of-type){ margin-bottom: 10px; } &:before{ content: ""; width: 100%; height: 2px; position: absolute; left: 0; z-index: 1; } } .timeline__date{ min-width: 80px; position: absolute; left: 0; z-index: 1; box-sizing: border-box; padding: .5rem 1.5rem; text-align: center; border-radius: 5px; } .timeline__day{ font-size: 2rem; font-weight: 700; display: block; } .timeline__month{ display: block; font-size: .8em; text-transform: uppercase; } .timeline__post{ padding: 1.5rem 2rem; border-radius: 5px; background-color: $gray-200; z-index: 1; position: relative; } @media screen and (min-width: 641px){ .timeline5:before{ left: 38px; } .timeline__group{ padding-top: 55px; } .timeline__box{ padding-left: 105px; &:before{ top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); } } .timeline__date{ top: 50%; margin-top: -38px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 640px){ .timeline5:before{ left: 0; } .timeline__group{ padding-top: 40px; } .timeline__box{ padding-left: 20px; padding-top: 70px; &:before{ top: 90px; } } .timeline__date{ top: 0; } } .timeline5{ font-size: $fs-16; } /* horizontal-timeline */ .cd-horizontal-timeline .timeline { padding: 20px 0 20px; @include before-after-state{ display: none; } } /*Button*/ .btn { border-radius: $fct-border-radius; -webkit-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; border: 1px solid transparent; cursor: pointer; line-height: inherit; padding: 8px 16px; font-size: 1.1rem; -webkit-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; -o-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; transition: all .5s ease-in-out; &.btn-flat { border-radius: $fct-border-radius; -webkit-box-shadow: none; -moz-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; border-width: 1px; } &:active { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .125); -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .125); box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .125); } &:focus, &.focus { outline: 0; -webkit-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; } &:hover { cursor: pointer; -webkit-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; -o-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; transition: all .5s ease-in-out; -webkit-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; -o-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: all .5s ease-in-out; transition: all .5s ease-in-out; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 14px 26px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 23px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 8px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); box-shadow: 0 14px 26px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 23px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 8px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } &[class*=bg-gradient-]{ color: $white; border: none; } &[class*=btn-outline-]{ border-color: $light; } &.btn-outline{ border-color: $light; color: $dark; } &.btn-file { position: relative; overflow: hidden; >input[type=file] { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; min-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; font-size: 100px; text-align: right; opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity=0); outline: 0; background: $white; cursor: inherit; display: block; } } &[class*=bg-]:hover { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 100px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2); box-shadow: inset 0 0 100px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2); } &.dropdown-toggle{ &:after{ display: none; } } } a{ &.btn{ text-decoration: none !important; } } .btn-icon-circle{ width: 45px; height: 45px; line-height: 45px; padding: 0; border-radius: 100%; &.btn-lg{ width: 60px; height: 60px; line-height: 60px; padding: 0; border-radius: 100%; } &.btn-md{ width: 50px; height: 50px; line-height: 50px; padding: 0; border-radius: 100%; } &.btn-sm{ width: 40px; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; padding: 0; border-radius: 100%; } &.btn-xs{ width: 30px; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; padding: 0; border-radius: 100%; } } .btn-rounded { border-radius: 60px; } .btn-circle{ width: 45px; height: 45px; line-height: 45px; padding: 0; border-radius: 100%; &.btn-lg{ width: 60px; height: 60px; line-height: 60px; padding: 0; border-radius: 100%; } &.btn-md{ width: 50px; height: 50px; line-height: 50px; padding: 0; border-radius: 100%; } &.btn-sm{ width: 40px; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; padding: 0; border-radius: 100%; } &.btn-xs{ width: 30px; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; padding: 0; border-radius: 100%; } } .btn-group-vertical{ display: -ms-inline-block; display: inline-block; >.btn{ &:first-child:not(:last-child), &:last-child:not(:first-child){ border-radius: 4px; } } .btn{ &.btn-flat{ &:first-of-type, &:last-of-type{ border-radius: 0; } } &.dropdown-toggle{ &:after { display: none; } } } } .wysihtml5-toolbar { .btn-group{ display: -ms-inline-block; display: inline-block; } .btn-default { background-color: $gray-200; border-color: $gray-200; } &.btn.dropdown-toggle{ &:after{ display: inline-block; } } } .btn-app{ text-align: center; position: relative; padding: 15px 5px; margin: 0 0 10px 10px; min-width: 80px; height: 60px; font-size: $fs-12; overflow: visible; .badge{ font-size: 100%; position: absolute; top: -7px; right: -7px; font-weight: 300; } >i{ font-size: $fs-20; display: block; } &:hover { background: $light; color: $dark; border-color: lighten($black, 35%); } &:focus, &:active { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .125); -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .125); box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .125); } } .btn-xs, .btn-group-xs>.btn { padding: 1px 5px; font-size: $fs-12; line-height: 1.5; border-radius: 3px; } .btn-default { background-color: lighten($black, 90%); color: $dark; border-color: lighten($black, 60%); &.hover, &:active, &:hover{ background-color: lighten($black, 80%); } } .btn-link { -webkit-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; } button{ &.btn.dropdown-toggle{ &:after{ display: inline-block; 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height: 24px; } } .btn-link { font-weight: 500; background-color: $light; border-color: $light; color: $dark; @include hover-focus-state{ text-decoration: none; color: $dark; } } .btn-facebook{ background-color: $facebook; border-color: $facebook; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($facebook, 10%); border-color: darken($facebook, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($facebook, 10%); border-color: darken($facebook, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $facebook; color: $facebook; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($facebook, 10%); border-color: darken($facebook, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-facebook.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-facebook.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($facebook, 10%); border-color: darken($facebook, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-google{ background-color: $google; border-color: $google; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($google, 10%); border-color: darken($google, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($google, 10%); border-color: darken($google, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $google; color: $google; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($google, 10%); border-color: darken($google, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-google.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-google.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($google, 10%); border-color: darken($google, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-twitter{ background-color: $twitter; border-color: $twitter; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($twitter, 10%); border-color: darken($twitter, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($twitter, 10%); border-color: darken($twitter, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $twitter; color: $twitter; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($twitter, 10%); border-color: darken($twitter, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-twitter.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-twitter.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($twitter, 10%); border-color: darken($twitter, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-linkedin{ background-color: $linkedin; border-color: $linkedin; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($linkedin, 10%); border-color: darken($linkedin, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($linkedin, 10%); border-color: darken($linkedin, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $linkedin; color: $linkedin; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($linkedin, 10%); border-color: darken($linkedin, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-linkedin.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-linkedin.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($linkedin, 10%); border-color: darken($linkedin, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-pinterest{ background-color: $pinterest; border-color: $pinterest; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($pinterest, 10%); border-color: darken($pinterest, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($pinterest, 10%); border-color: darken($pinterest, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $pinterest; color: $pinterest; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($pinterest, 10%); border-color: darken($pinterest, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-pinterest.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-pinterest.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($pinterest, 10%); border-color: darken($pinterest, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-git{ background-color: $git; border-color: $git; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($git, 10%); border-color: darken($git, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($git, 10%); border-color: darken($git, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $git; color: $git; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($git, 10%); border-color: darken($git, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-git.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-git.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($git, 10%); border-color: darken($git, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-tumblr{ background-color: $tumblr; border-color: $tumblr; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($tumblr, 10%); border-color: darken($tumblr, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($tumblr, 10%); border-color: darken($tumblr, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $tumblr; color: $tumblr; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($tumblr, 10%); border-color: darken($tumblr, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-tumblr.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-tumblr.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($tumblr, 10%); border-color: darken($tumblr, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-vimeo{ background-color: $vimeo; border-color: $vimeo; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($vimeo, 10%); border-color: darken($vimeo, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($vimeo, 10%); border-color: darken($vimeo, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $vimeo; color: $vimeo; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($vimeo, 10%); border-color: darken($vimeo, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-vimeo.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-vimeo.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($vimeo, 10%); border-color: darken($vimeo, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-youtube{ background-color: $youtube; border-color: $youtube; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($youtube, 10%); border-color: darken($youtube, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($youtube, 10%); border-color: darken($youtube, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $youtube; color: $youtube; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($youtube, 10%); border-color: darken($youtube, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-youtube.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-youtube.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($youtube, 10%); border-color: darken($youtube, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-flickr{ background-color: $flickr; border-color: $flickr; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($flickr, 10%); border-color: darken($flickr, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($flickr, 10%); border-color: darken($flickr, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $flickr; color: $flickr; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($flickr, 10%); border-color: darken($flickr, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-flickr.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-flickr.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($flickr, 10%); border-color: darken($flickr, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-reddit{ background-color: $reddit; border-color: $reddit; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($reddit, 10%); border-color: darken($reddit, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($reddit, 10%); border-color: darken($reddit, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $reddit; color: $reddit; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($reddit, 10%); border-color: darken($reddit, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-reddit.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-reddit.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($reddit, 10%); border-color: darken($reddit, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-dribbble{ background-color: $dribbble; border-color: $dribbble; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($dribbble, 10%); border-color: darken($dribbble, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($dribbble, 10%); border-color: darken($dribbble, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $dribbble; color: $dribbble; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($dribbble, 10%); border-color: darken($dribbble, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-dribbble.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-dribbble.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($dribbble, 10%); border-color: darken($dribbble, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-skype{ background-color: $skype; border-color: $skype; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($skype, 10%); border-color: darken($skype, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($skype, 10%); border-color: darken($skype, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $skype; color: $skype; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($skype, 10%); border-color: darken($skype, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-skype.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-skype.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($skype, 10%); border-color: darken($skype, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-instagram{ background-color: $instagram; border-color: $instagram; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($instagram, 10%); border-color: darken($instagram, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($instagram, 10%); border-color: darken($instagram, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $instagram; color: $instagram; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($instagram, 10%); border-color: darken($instagram, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-instagram.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-instagram.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($instagram, 10%); border-color: darken($instagram, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-lastfm{ background-color: $lastfm; border-color: $lastfm; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($lastfm, 10%); border-color: darken($lastfm, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($lastfm, 10%); border-color: darken($lastfm, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $lastfm; color: $lastfm; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($lastfm, 10%); border-color: darken($lastfm, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-lastfm.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-lastfm.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($lastfm, 10%); border-color: darken($lastfm, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-behance{ background-color: $behance; border-color: $behance; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($behance, 10%); border-color: darken($behance, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($behance, 10%); border-color: darken($behance, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $behance; color: $behance; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($behance, 10%); border-color: darken($behance, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-behance.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-behance.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($behance, 10%); border-color: darken($behance, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-rss{ background-color: $rss; border-color: $rss; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($rss, 10%); border-color: darken($rss, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($rss, 10%); border-color: darken($rss, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $rss; color: $rss; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($rss, 10%); border-color: darken($rss, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-rss.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-rss.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($rss, 10%); border-color: darken($rss, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-bitbucket{ background-color: $bitbucket; border-color: $bitbucket; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($bitbucket, 10%); border-color: darken($bitbucket, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($bitbucket, 10%); border-color: darken($bitbucket, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $bitbucket; color: $bitbucket; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($bitbucket, 10%); border-color: darken($bitbucket, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-bitbucket.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-bitbucket.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($bitbucket, 10%); border-color: darken($bitbucket, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-dropbox{ background-color: $dropbox; border-color: $dropbox; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($dropbox, 10%); border-color: darken($dropbox, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($dropbox, 10%); border-color: darken($dropbox, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $dropbox; color: $dropbox; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($dropbox, 10%); border-color: darken($dropbox, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-dropbox.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-dropbox.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($dropbox, 10%); border-color: darken($dropbox, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-foursquare{ background-color: $foursquare; border-color: $foursquare; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($foursquare, 10%); border-color: darken($foursquare, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($foursquare, 10%); border-color: darken($foursquare, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $foursquare; color: $foursquare; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($foursquare, 10%); border-color: darken($foursquare, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-foursquare.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-foursquare.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($foursquare, 10%); border-color: darken($foursquare, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-github{ background-color: $github; border-color: $github; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($github, 10%); border-color: darken($github, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($github, 10%); border-color: darken($github, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $github; color: $github; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($github, 10%); border-color: darken($github, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-github.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-github.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($github, 10%); border-color: darken($github, 10%); color: $white !important; } .btn-vk{ background-color: $vk; border-color: $vk; color: $white !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($vk, 10%); border-color: darken($vk, 10%); color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: darken($vk, 10%); border-color: darken($vk, 10%); } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $vk; color: $vk; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($vk, 10%); border-color: darken($vk, 10%); color: $white; } } } .show > .btn-vk.dropdown-toggle, .show > .btn-outline.btn-vk.dropdown-toggle { background-color: darken($vk, 10%); border-color: darken($vk, 10%); color: $white !important; } /*---Light social---*/ .btn-facebook-light{ background-color: $gray-200; border-color: $gray-200; color: $facebook !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: $facebook; border-color: $facebook; color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: $facebook; border-color: $facebook; } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $facebook; color: $facebook; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($facebook, 10%); border-color: darken($facebook, 10%); color: $white; } } } .btn-bitbucket-light{ background-color: $gray-200; border-color: $gray-200; color: $bitbucket !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: $bitbucket; border-color: $bitbucket; color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: $bitbucket; border-color: $bitbucket; } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $bitbucket; color: $bitbucket; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($bitbucket, 10%); border-color: darken($bitbucket, 10%); color: $white; } } } .btn-dropbox-light{ background-color: $gray-200; border-color: $gray-200; color: $dropbox !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: $dropbox; border-color: $dropbox; color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: $dropbox; border-color: $dropbox; } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $dropbox; color: $dropbox; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($dropbox, 10%); border-color: darken($dropbox, 10%); color: $white; } } } .btn-flickr-light{ background-color: $gray-200; border-color: $gray-200; color: $flickr !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: $flickr; border-color: $flickr; color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: $flickr; border-color: $flickr; } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $flickr; color: $flickr; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($flickr, 10%); border-color: darken($flickr, 10%); color: $white; } } } .btn-foursquare-light{ background-color: $gray-200; border-color: $gray-200; color: $foursquare !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: $foursquare; border-color: $foursquare; color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: $foursquare; border-color: $foursquare; } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $foursquare; color: $foursquare; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($foursquare, 10%); border-color: darken($foursquare, 10%); color: $white; } } } .btn-github-light{ background-color: $gray-200; border-color: $gray-200; color: $github !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: $github; border-color: $github; color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: $github; border-color: $github; } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $github; color: $github; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($github, 10%); border-color: darken($github, 10%); color: $white; } } } .btn-google-light{ background-color: $gray-200; border-color: $gray-200; color: $google !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: $google; border-color: $google; color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: $google; border-color: $google; } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $google; color: $google; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($google, 10%); border-color: darken($google, 10%); color: $white; } } } .btn-instagram-light{ background-color: $gray-200; border-color: $gray-200; color: $instagram !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: $instagram; border-color: $instagram; color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: $instagram; border-color: $instagram; } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $instagram; color: $instagram; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($instagram, 10%); border-color: darken($instagram, 10%); color: $white; } } } .btn-linkedin-light{ background-color: $gray-200; border-color: $gray-200; color: $linkedin !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: $linkedin; border-color: $linkedin; color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: $linkedin; border-color: $linkedin; } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $linkedin; color: $linkedin; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($linkedin, 10%); border-color: darken($linkedin, 10%); color: $white; } } } .btn-tumblr-light{ background-color: $gray-200; border-color: $gray-200; color: $tumblr !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: $tumblr; border-color: $tumblr; color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: $tumblr; border-color: $tumblr; } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $tumblr; color: $tumblr; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($tumblr, 10%); border-color: darken($tumblr, 10%); color: $white; } } } .btn-twitter-light{ background-color: $gray-200; border-color: $gray-200; color: $twitter !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: $twitter; border-color: $twitter; color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: $twitter; border-color: $twitter; } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $twitter; color: $twitter; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($twitter, 10%); border-color: darken($twitter, 10%); color: $white; } } } .btn-vk-light{ background-color: $gray-200; border-color: $gray-200; color: $vk !important; @include hover-active-state { background-color: $vk; border-color: $vk; color: $white !important; } &:focus, &.focus{ color: $white !important; } &.disabled, &:disabled{ opacity: 0.5; } &:active, &.active{ background-color: $vk; border-color: $vk; } &.btn-outline{ background-color: transparent; border-color: $vk; color: $vk; @include hover-active-state { background-color: darken($vk, 10%); border-color: darken($vk, 10%); color: $white; } } } .btn-outline{ &.btn-white { color: $white !important; background-color: transparent; border-color: $white; &:hover { color: $dark !important; background-color: $white; border-color: $white; } } } .btn-label{ position: relative; padding-left: 52px; overflow: hidden; label { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 36px; line-height: inherit; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; background-color: rgba($black, 0.1); cursor: pointer; margin-bottom: 0; } .btn-xs { padding-left: 32px; label { width: 24px; } } .btn-sm { padding-left: 41px; label { width: 29px; } } .btn-lg { padding-left: 64px; label { width: 48px; } } } .btn-flat { position: relative; font-size: $fs-14; background-color: $light; border: none; letter-spacing: 1px; border-radius: 0; &:hover { background-color: darken($light, 40%); } svg { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } circle { fill: rgba($white, 0.3); } } /*---social media background---*/ .bg-bitbucket{ background-color: $bitbucket !important; } .bg-dropbox{ background-color: $dropbox !important; } .bg-facebook{ background-color: $facebook !important; } .bg-flickr{ background-color: $flickr !important; } .bg-foursquare{ background-color: $foursquare !important; } .bg-github{ background-color: $github !important; } .bg-google{ background-color: $google !important; } .bg-instagram{ background-color: $instagram !important; } .bg-linkedin{ background-color: $linkedin !important; } .bg-tumblr{ background-color: $tumblr !important; } .bg-twitter{ background-color: $twitter !important; } .bg-vk{ background-color: $vk !important; } /*callout*/ .callout { margin: 0 0 20px; padding: 15px 30px 15px 15px; border-radius: $default-border-radius; a { color: $white; text-decoration: underline; &:hover { color: $dark; } } h4 { margin-top: 0; } p:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } .callout-secondary { border-color: lighten($dark, 35%); background-color: lighten($dark, 35%); } .highlight, code{ background-color: $white; } } /*alert*/ .alert{ border-radius: $default-border-radius; .icon { margin-right: 10px; } .close { color: $dark; opacity: .2; filter: alpha(opacity=20); &:hover { opacity: .5; filter: alpha(opacity=50); } } a { color: $white; text-decoration: underline; } } /*tab*/ .nav>li>a{ @include hover-state{ color: $dark; background: $light; } } .bg-nav-pills{ background-color: $primary-lite; } .nav-pills{ a{ color: $gray-800; } >li>a { border-radius: 0; border-top: 3px solid transparent; color: $dark; >i { margin-right: 5px; } } &.rounded{ >li>a { border-radius: $fct-border-radius; } } } .flex-column>li{ >a { border-radius: 0 !important; border-top: 0; border-left: 3px solid transparent; color: $dark; .nav-link.active{ background: 0 0; color: $white; border-top: 0; &:hover{ background: 0 0; color: $white; border-top: 0; } } } .header { border-bottom: 1px solid lighten($black, 85%); color: lighten($black, 45%); margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 5px 10px; } } .nav-tabs-custom { margin-bottom: 20px; background: $white; border: 1px solid rgba($dx-blue,0.16); border-radius: $default-border-radius; >.nav-tabs { margin: 0; border-bottom-color: $light; border-radius: 0; >li { margin-bottom: -2px; margin-right: 5px; &.icon-btn { display: block; position: absolute; right: 15px; border: none; top: -2px; } &.disabled>a { color: lighten($black, 45%); } >a { color: $dark; border-radius: 0; position: relative; display: block; padding: 10px 15px; background: 0 0; margin: 0; border-top:3px solid transparent; &.text-muted{ color: lighten($black, 45%); } &:hover{ background: 0 0; margin: 0; } &.active{ background-color: $white; color: $dark; border-left: 1px solid $light; border-right: 1px solid $light; &:hover{ background-color: $white; color: $dark; } } } &:first-of-type { margin-left: 0; >a.active { border-left-color: transparent; } } &.header { line-height: 30px; padding: 5px 10px; font-size: 16px; color: $dark; >i { margin-right: 5px; } } } &.float-right { float: none!important; display: block; li { float: right; &:first-of-type { margin-right: 0; >a { border-left-width: 1px; &.active { border-left-color: $light; border-right-color: transparent; } } } } } } >.tab-content { background: $white; padding: 1.25rem; border-radius: 0; } .dropdown.show>a{ @include active-focus-state{ background: 0 0; color: lighten($black, 45%); } } &.tab-default>.nav-tabs>li a.active { border-top-color: lighten($black, 85%); } } .profile-tab li a.nav-link.active { color: $white; } .box-profile.nav-tabs-custom{ margin-bottom: 20px; background: transparent; box-shadow:none; border-radius: 3px; >.tab-content{ padding: 1.25rem 0rem; border-radius: 0; background: transparent; } >.nav-tabs{ >li{ margin-bottom: 0px; margin-right: 5px; >a { color: $dark; &.active { color: #455a64; &:hover{ color: #455a64; } } } } margin: 0; border-bottom: none; border-radius: $default-border-radius; background-color: $white; overflow: hidden; } } /*pagination*/ .pagination{ margin-bottom: 2rem; >li>a { background-color: $white; color: $dark; border-color: $white; } &.pagination-flat{ >li>a { border-radius: 0; } } li a{ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; min-width: 50px; padding: 1rem; margin: 0 3px; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid transparent; border-radius: 2px; text-align: center; &.current{ color: $white !important; &:hover { color: $white !important; } } &:hover { color: $white !important; } } >.disabled{ >a, >a:focus, >a:hover, >span, >span:focus, >span:hover{ color: lighten($black, 45%); background-color: $white; border-color: $white; cursor: not-allowed; } } } .datepaginator .pagination li a, .datepaginator-lg .pagination li a, .datepaginator-sm .pagination li a{ min-width: 100%; } /*select2*/ .select2-container--default{ &.select2-container--focus{ outline: 0; .select2-selection--multiple { border-color: lighten($black, 85%); } } @include active-focus-state{ outline: 0; } .select2-selection--single { border: 1px solid $gray-200; border-radius: $fct-border-radius; padding: .45rem .9rem; height: auto; line-height: 1.5; .select2-selection__arrow { height: 34px; right: 3px; padding: .45rem .9rem; line-height: 1.5; b { margin-top: 0; } } } .select2-results__option--highlighted[aria-selected] { color: $white; } .select2-results__option[aria-disabled=true] { color: lighten($black, 45%); } .select2-results__option[aria-selected=true] { background-color: lighten($black, 85%); color: $dark; &:hover{ color: $dark; } } .select2-selection--multiple { border: 1px solid $gray-200; background-color: $gray-200; border-radius: $fct-border-radius; .select2-selection__choice { padding: 1px 10px; color: $white; } .select2-selection__choice__remove { margin-right: 5px; color: rgba($white, .7); &:hover { color: $white; } } } } .select2-selection{ &.select2-container--focus{ outline: 0; } @include active-focus-state{ outline: 0; } .select2-selection--single { border: 1px solid lighten($black, 85%); border-radius: $fct-border-radius; padding: 6px 12px; height: 34px; } } .select2-dropdown { border: 1px solid lighten($black, 85%); border-radius: 0; .select2-search__field{ border: 1px solid lighten($black, 85%); &:focus{ outline: 0; } } } .select2-results__option { padding: 6px 12px; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; } .select2-container{ .select2-selection--single{ .select2-selection__rendered { padding-left: 0; height: auto; margin-top: -4px; padding-right: 10px; } } &[dir=rtl]{ .select2-selection--single{ .select2-selection__rendered { padding-right: 6px; padding-left: 20px; } } } } .select2-search--inline{ .select2-search__field { border: 1px solid lighten($black, 85%); &:focus{ outline: 0; } } } .bootstrap-tagsinput{ background-color: $gray-200; border-color: $gray-200; box-shadow: none; padding: .45rem .9rem; line-height: 1.5; .label { font-size: $fs-14; } } .ichack-input{ label{ color: $gray-500; font-weight: 400; } } .datepicker { .datepicker-switch:hover, .next:hover, .prev:hover, tfoot tr th:hover { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)!important; } } .box{ .datepicker-inline{ .datepicker-days td:hover, .datepicker-days>table td:hover, td:hover, >table td:hover{ background-color: rgba($white, .3); } .datepicker-days td.day.new, .datepicker-days td.day.old, .datepicker-days>table td.day.new, .datepicker-days>table td.day.old, td.day.new, td.day.old, >table td.day.new, >table td.day.old{ color: $dark; } } } .calculator{ .displayBox { background: $white; overflow: hidden; font-size: $fs-60; text-align: right; padding: 0px 20px; } .numberPad{ background-color: $info; display: -webkit-flex; display: -webkit-box; display: -moz-flex; display: -moz-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; .left-count { flex: 3; .btn{ color: $white; padding: 15px 10px; &:hover{ box-shadow: none; } } } .operationSide{ &.right-count { flex: 1; } .btn-operation { color: $white; width: 100%; border-radius: 0; padding: 15px 10px; &:hover{ box-shadow: none; } } } } } .lmg-bt { position: absolute !important; top: -30px; right: 30px; } .bullet { display: inline-block; background-color: $light; width: 10px; height: 2px; border-radius: 2rem; &.bullet-bar { width: 4px; height: auto; } } .up-mar10{ margin-top: -10px; z-index: 10; } .up-mar20{ margin-top: -20px; z-index: 10; } .up-mar30{ margin-top: -30px; z-index: 10; } .up-mar40{ margin-top: -40px; z-index: 10; } .up-mar50{ margin-top: -50px; z-index: 10; } .up-mar60{ margin-top: -60px; z-index: 10; } .up-mar70{ margin-top: -70px; z-index: 10; } .up-mar80{ margin-top: -80px; z-index: 10; } .up-mar90{ margin-top: -90px; z-index: 10; } .up-mar100{ margin-top: -100px; z-index: 10; } .tooltip.show { opacity: 1; } .tooltip .arrow { position: absolute; display: block; width: 0.8rem; height: 0.4rem; } .tooltip .arrow::before { position: absolute; content: ""; border-color: transparent; border-style: solid; } .tooltip-inner { max-width: 200px; padding: 0.75rem 1rem; color: #3F4254; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff; border-radius: 3px; } .tooltip .tooltip-inner { -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); background: $white; } .tooltip.tooltop-auto-width .tooltip-inner { white-space: nowrap; max-width: none; } .bs-tooltip-top, .bs-tooltip-auto[x-placement^="top"] { padding: 0.4rem 0; } .bs-tooltip-top .tooltip-arrow, .bs-tooltip-auto[x-placement^="top"] .tooltip-arrow { bottom: 0; } .bs-tooltip-top .tooltip-arrow::before, .bs-tooltip-auto[x-placement^="top"] .tooltip-arrow::before { top: 0; border-width: 0.4rem 0.4rem 0; border-top-color: #ffffff; } .bs-tooltip-end, .bs-tooltip-auto[x-placement^="right"] { padding: 0 0.4rem; } .bs-tooltip-end .tooltip-arrow, .bs-tooltip-auto[x-placement^="right"] .tooltip-arrow { left: 0; width: 0.4rem; height: 0.8rem; } .bs-tooltip-end .tooltip-arrow::before, .bs-tooltip-auto[x-placement^="right"] .tooltip-arrow::before { right: 0; border-width: 0.4rem 0.4rem 0.4rem 0; border-right-color: #ffffff; } .bs-tooltip-bottom, .bs-tooltip-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] { padding: 0.4rem 0; } .bs-tooltip-bottom .tooltip-arrow, .bs-tooltip-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] .tooltip-arrow { top: 0; } .bs-tooltip-bottom .tooltip-arrow::before, .bs-tooltip-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] .tooltip-arrow::before { bottom: 0; border-width: 0 0.4rem 0.4rem; border-bottom-color: #ffffff; } .bs-tooltip-start, .bs-tooltip-auto[x-placement^="left"] { padding: 0 0.4rem; } .bs-tooltip-start .tooltip-arrow, .bs-tooltip-auto[x-placement^="left"] .tooltip-arrow { right: 0; width: 0.4rem; height: 0.8rem; } .bs-tooltip-start .tooltip-arrow::before, .bs-tooltip-auto[x-placement^="left"] .tooltip-arrow::before { left: 0; border-width: 0.4rem 0 0.4rem 0.4rem; border-left-color: #ffffff; } .cour-stac{ p{ margin-bottom: 0; &.lt-sp{ margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; } } } @include screen-md-max{ .cour-stac{ p{ margin-bottom: 5px; &.lt-sp:last-child{ display: none; } } } } .bd-example-row .row>.col, .bd-example-row .row>[class^=col-] { padding-top: .75rem; padding-bottom: .75rem; background-color: rgba(86,61,124,.15); border: 1px solid rgba(86,61,124,.2); } .bd-example-row .row+.row { margin-top: 1rem; } // // Columns // .card-columns { .card { margin-bottom: $default-gutter-width; } @include screen-sm { column-count: 3; column-gap: calc($default-gutter-width / 2); orphans: 1; widows: 1; .card { display: inline-block; // Don't let them vertically span multiple columns width: 100%; // Don't let their width change } } } .box{ .dataTables_wrapper{ padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } } .pace { .pace-progress { background: $danger; } .pace-activity { border-top-color: $danger; border-left-color: $danger; } } .timeline-label { position: relative; } .timeline-label:before { content: ""; position: absolute; left: 70px; width: 2px; top: 0; bottom: 0; background-color: $gray-400; } .timeline-label .timeline-item { display: flex; align-items: flex-start; position: relative; margin-bottom: 1.7rem; } .timeline-label .timeline-item:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } .timeline-label .timeline-label { width: 70px; flex-shrink: 0; position: relative; } .timeline-label .timeline-badge { flex-shrink: 0; background: $white; width: 1rem; height: 1rem; border-radius: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; z-index: 1; position: relative; margin-top: 1px; margin-left: -0.5rem; padding: 3px !important; border: 6px solid $white !important; } .timeline-label .timeline-badge span { display: block; border-radius: 100%; width: 6px; height: 6px; background-color: $gray-400; } .timeline-label .timeline-content { flex-grow: 1; } .apex-charts text { font-family: $bodyfont; fill: $gray-600; font-weight: 500; } .list-group-item { padding: 0.5rem 1.5rem; } .overlay .overlay-layer, .overlay:hover .overlay-layer { -webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease; transition: all 0.3s ease; opacity: 1; } .overlay .overlay-layer { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-pack: center; -ms-flex-pack: center; justify-content: center; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); -webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease; transition: all 0.3s ease; opacity: 0; } .card-pricing { position: relative; } .card-pricing .card-pricing-plan-name { padding-bottom: 20px; } .card-pricing .card-pricing-icon { font-size: 22px; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 35px 0 rgba(154, 161, 171, 0.15); box-shadow: 0 0 35px 0 rgba(154, 161, 171, 0.15); height: 60px; display: inline-block; width: 60px; line-height: 56px; border-radius: 50%; } .card-pricing .card-pricing-price { padding: 30px 0 0; } .card-pricing .card-pricing-price span { font-size: 40%; color: $gray-600; letter-spacing: 2px; text-transform: uppercase; } .card-pricing .card-pricing-features { color: $gray-600; list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 20px 0 0 0; } .card-pricing .card-pricing-features li { padding: 10px; } @media (min-width: 992px) { .card-pricing-recommended { margin-top: -1.9375rem; } } .card-pricing-recommended .card-pricing-plan-tag { background-color: rgba($danger, 0.2); color: $danger; padding: 5px 0; font-weight: 700; border-radius: 0.25rem 0.25rem 0 0; margin: -1.5rem -1.5rem 1.5rem -1.5rem; }